By Nancy Smeltzer
Photo by Dave Berry
With the beginning of a new year, it seems as if I and my healing partners, Mary and Ceitllyn, in Renaissance of the Heart, are growing into a new facet of our understanding on how to facilitate healing for ourselves and our clients. For a long time, we have gotten intellectually that we need to surrender our ego and intent to the Divine. After all, who wouldn’t? They have the big game plan, and can see far beyond what our limited human capabilities can perceive regarding all the implications for a given issue. Still, doing the surrender and wanting to surrender versus being the surrender are quite different matters.
For a long time, in our workshops, http://www.renaissanceheart.com/workshops.php,
We’ve stated that we’re human beings, not human doers. We set our intent for ourselves or the client, serve as catalysts to get the process going, and then get out of the way so the Divine and our client can do the healing. In other words, as we say down south, “Get your picky paws out of the way!” However, I know for myself, especially if it’s one of my core issues that I’m working on for myself, the “helper” part of me starts wanting to “do something”. Just surrendering and being in the still quiet of not doing, a thing has been a hard lesson to learn. It’s much easier for me if I have a set of rules to follow, or mantras to say or SOMETHING to do. However, what we’re finding is that the process will go much more quickly if we just set the intent, merge with the Divine and then just “be”.
In our Level 2 workshop, we teach the beginnings of access to an amazing state of existence called the State of Being. In that technique, you begin to access the quiet yet exhilarating state of being one with the Divine and the Universe. However deep that experience was for me when we were shown the process several years ago, it’s only a glimpse at how profoundly connected in you can be with the Divine when you get past the fear of doing so. I can hear some of you asking; “Why would you be afraid to be ultimately connected in?”, but, for me, at first, it was rather scary. There was a part of me that felt as if I was dying, or wouldn’t “be able to come back”, or was losing my essence in the process. Those feelings weren’t exactly conducive to my “letting go”, since it felt as if I were caught up in a survival mode. However, having done the surrendering enough now, and my demise did not occur, it’s easier and easier to surrender. Teaching the process to others, however, will probably be part of our level 11 workshops. For the time being, we’ll just do it for our clients.
The problem for me is knowing when I was doing, rather then being. Ceitllyn gave me the metaphor of being in a plane with the “seatbelts need to be fastened” sign on.
When I start feeling restless and want to “get out of my seat”, that’s a clue that I’m trying to do something. Another is when the setting up the intent sequence feels difficult to do. Our take is that connecting in with the Divine is our natural birthright, and if it’s feeling hard to access, then we have some resistance to doing so that needs to be healed. Since we just discovered this new to us process of connecting less than a week ago, I’m sure that there will be many more discoveries along the way. We’d love to hear form you regarding your own experiences of connecting in with the Divine, so please post a comment. That way we can build a community of like-minded souls that we’re calling Renaissance of the Heart. Why not come along and join us in our discoveries.
Love to your hearts,